Now Enrolling for 2021-22 Academic Year

“I could have done anyting with my education”


The Students We Seek

Ilm Academy is a place for traditional and formal studies. We seek students who demonstrate intelligence, diligence, and perseverance, who have a track record of service and volunteer work, who are energized by long hours of study, and who desire to develop their character as they develop their intellect.

Ilm Academy is a place for traditional and formal studies. We seek students who demonstrate intelligence, diligence, and perseverance, who have a track record of service and volunteer work, who are energized by long hours of study, and who desire to develop their character as they develop their intellect.

Begin a Life of Learning and Service

We aim to help you train your mind and acquire the requisite tools that will lead to a life of learning, thought, and reflection, and we aim to cultivate your character so that you always do so with humility, purpose, and piety. Our curriculum contains the timeless texts of the Islamic tradition, as well as the great works and ideas of Western civilization.