Attendance Policy
Student success has a direct correlation with consistent and punctual attendance in class and school related events. Students with good attendance records achieve higher grades, enjoy school more, and are more successful in their pursuit of higher education. In addition, when parents emphasize the importance of attendance with their children, it fosters positivity towards learning in their child that leads to growth in all areas of their child’s personality. California law states that every student shall attend school punctually and regularly and conform to the regulations of the school.
At Ilm Academy, the expectation is for the student to enter class on time. Coming to class 10 minutes later than the designated time is considered tardy. Tardiness is recorded. An accumulation of 5 tardy days will result in a one-day absence on the student’s attendance record. Accumulation of 5 tardy days will result in notice being sent home. After arrival at school, students are not allowed to leave campus without permission from the front office.
Absences caused by personal illness, approved religious holidays, or emergencies will be excused. When a child is absent, the parent must notify the school by 9:00 am. In case of extended leave, for example due to an illness, parents must inform the school in writing. In case of an extended period of absence, a written notice must be submitted to the office. The tuition for the period of absence must continue to be paid in accordance with the financial agreement. The student will be responsible to make up any work missed during his/her absence.
Whenever possible, the student’s teacher should be contacted in advance to get the work before the student leaves. Parents should give the teacher one-week prior notice so that a homework packet can be prepared. If a student is absent 18 days or more within a school year, the student’s attendance is reviewed by the principal and homeroom teacher and the student may be subject to retention. This will occur whether the absences are excused or unexcused.
Early Dismissal:
For a student who needs to leave school early, his/her parent or guardian must send a note stating the time his/her child needs to be dismissed and the reason for the dismissal, so that make-up work can be prepared. The person/guardian must pick up the student from the principal’s office and sign him/her out.