IIm Academy alumni take with them traditions steeped in a solid groundworkof Islamic knowledge that imparts pride in identity, community leadership,a strong sense of citizenship, excellence in education, mentorship skills, high aspirations and goals for the future, and an unfaltering strength of character that remains steadfast in the challenging academic and socialpaths ahead.

Even after graduation, Ilm Academy’s alumni remain connected with the school in a variety of ways and continue to contribute as school magazines editors, as connectors of noted programs such as the Harvard Academies extra curricular programs with the school’s middle school students, and as volunteers in varying capacities. The school takes as much pride in the young individuals it has groomed as these young people take in the efforts Ilm Academy consistently makes to instill values that will insha Allah stay with them for life.

At Ilm Academy, the relationship fostered with students does not end with graduation day–it continues for life.

Our Alumni continue to come back to ILm Academy to volunteer with their time and effort to give back to our school community. Salman Hasan, has helped organize courses conducted by The Academies @Harvard, a four week online program for high-achieving Middle school and high school students. Through this program our students get to experience rigorous courses such as Pre-Law, Pre-Med, Coding and Business. In addition to acquiring essential skills and advanced content , students who have attended these courses have received scholarships and internship opportunities.

A letter of recognition and scholarship offer received by our student

Hi Michele!
I hope that this email finds you well. My name is Connor Brown, and I am the Vice President of Harvard Student Agencies. I am reaching out to you because your Politics Instructor has identified you as one of the top performers in your class. It is clear that you have been a great addition to the classroom, and we invite you to continue moving forward with the Academies in our Politics program.
Here’s what your Pre-Law instructor had to say: 
“I had a wonderful time getting to know Michele and being able to teach them the basics of Pre-Law. I was incredibly impressed by their final presentation, and their hard work did not go unnoticed. They brought many new ideas to the table, and they were an integral part of our learning environment. I think they would be a great candidate for our Politics course.”
It is clear that you have left a lasting impression on your Pre-Law instructor, and we would be thrilled to welcome you at another one of our programs. The most closely related course to Pre-Law is Politics, and your instructor has identified this as the best program for you. 
Politics uses the concepts that you began to learn about in Pre-Law to give you a broader look at how politics shapes the world we live in. You will be able to explore multiple spheres of politics, including campaign management, international relations, and policy making. 
Since you are being recommended by your Pre-Law instructor, The Academies would like to offer you a $75 scholarship to use on your next program. If you are interested in this opportunity, you can use the code ALUMNI75 when registering at this link.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your contributions to The Academies, and we look forward to welcoming you to our Politics Academy in the near future!
Best wishes, 
Connor Brown